I will tell you anythings around and in my home Indonesia :)

I will tell you anythings arround and in my home, here in Indonesia :)

Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Bosscha, A star "peeker" from Lembang, Bandung

Hey. that is an orion constellation
and that is carnopus,
Im sure that is a vega...

Hahaha yeah those are constellation which are mentioned in "Petualangan Sherina" (The adventure of sherina). An original movie from Indonesia. In that film the protagonist ran from bandit chase to the Bosscha, a star observation station in Lembang.

Ok now stop talking about the movie. That is not my main purpose. :D

Yeah Bosscha. A star "peekr" from Lembang. Bosscha Observatory is the oldest observatory in Indonesia. The observatory is located in Lembang, West Java, approximately 15 kilometers (9.3 mi) north of Bandung. It is situated on a hilly six hectares of land and is 1,310 m (4,300 ft) above mean sea level plateau. The IAU observatory code for Bosscha is 299.

During the first meeting of the Nederlandsch-Indische Sterrekundige Vereeniging (Dutch-Indies Astronomical Society) in the 1920s, it was agreed that an observatory was needed to study astronomy in the Dutch East Indies.

Of all locations in the Indonesia archipelago, a tea plantation in Malabar, a few kilometers north of Bandung in West Java was selected. It is on the hilly north side of the city with a non-obstructed view of the sky and with close access to the city that was planned to become the new capital of the Dutch colony, replacing Batavia (present-day Jakarta).

The observatory is named after the tea plantation owner Karel Albert Rudolf Bosscha, son of the physicist Johannes Bosscha and a major force in the development of science and technology in the Dutch East Indies, who granted six hectares of his property for the new observatory.

Construction of the observatory began in 1923 and was completed in 1928. Since then a continuous observation of the sky was made. The first international publication from Bosscha was published in 1922. Observations from Bosscha were halted during World War II and after the war a major reconstruction was necessary. On 17 October 1951, the Dutch-Indies Astronomical Society handed over operation of the observatory to the government of Indonesia. In 1959 the observatory's operation was given to the Institut Teknologi Bandung and has been an integral part of the research and formal education of astronomy in Indonesia.

Five large telescopes were installed in Bosscha:
  1. The Zeiss double refractor

  2. The Schmidt telescope (nicknamed: Bima Sakti telescope)

  3. The Bamberg refractor

  4. The Cassegrain GOTO

  5. The Unitron refractor 

Source: Wikipedia & google

Thursday, 1 November 2012

Kampung Naga. An original from Tasikmalaya :)

nice too meet you again, uhmmm long time no write
sorry for that, so much things to do here in my office.

Ok lets begin
now let me talk about something in my "Home" about Kampung Naga (Naga Village) in Tasikmalaya.
I tell you first that there is no "naga=Dragon" here. It is only a name there is no relation with that creature.
Naga was called by the citizens as someone who spread Islam religion there. He was Singaparana.

Singaparana was a follower of Sunan gunung Jati. He was commanded to go to the west and spread Islam until he arrived in that village. Villager called him as "naga".

Ok that is the simple story why it is called as kampung Naga. Now lets talk about thir culture. Kampung Naga originally is a part of sundanese. The culture is sundanese for sure, and their language is sundanese. Kampung Naga has unique things in the way of life. One of the way of life is they refused to be electricitied. The reason is their houses was made from wood and bamboos, they have a faith that electricity will burns their home.

Villagers also believe that there are so much power around them such as Ghost, magic, and other supranatural things. Villagers also keep their culture from globalization. They do not use any electric instrument. All the things in kampung Naga run traditionally. Interesting???

It is a good place for you who is stressed by daily life routinity such as working, school, and another activity in the city.

The location is not hard to reach. It is about 30 Km from Tasikmalaya and 90 Km from bandung. I can guarantee that you will be satisfied if you come here. Come here and feel the originality of Kampung Naga from Indonesia. :)

Thursday, 25 October 2012

sebuah ucapan kecil untuk kalian sahabatku :)

Senangnya hatikuuuu besok makan embe, kambing, sapi, ayam, sosis, dlll

ya intinya besok bisa pulang, makan2, maen game bareng, dan banyak lagi hal lainnya.
wow ga sih???

asli serasa feel alive lagi brow :D

oyah, liburan panjang ini kalian mau kemane aje nih?
mudah-mudahan sama menyenangkannya ama aye ye :)

Tapi yang lebih menyenangkan sih ya bisa kumpul ama keluarga.

hmmmm enggak deh kayaknya.
I dont feel at home here.

oke selamat idul adha everyone. Mari rayakan karena hari itu hari yang halal untuk dirayakan...

Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Trading league 2012 :)


Halo Tradenationer,

Apa kabar anda hari ini?
Bayangkan lepas suntuk dari aktifitas sepanjang tahun, pada tanggal 14 Desember ini tradenationer mendapatkan tambahan duit jajan 20 juta rupiah untuk jalan-jalan?
Dan ini bisa terwujud karena AsiaFxOnline saat ini mengadakan Liga Trading untuk anda Tradenationer – Jagoan trading Kebanggaan Indonesia.
Liga trading ini free for all yang artinya anda bebas trading seluruh produk yang tersedia, bebas menggunakan cara apapun, di manapun, dan kapanpun juga.
Memperebutkan hadiah total Rp 50.000.000,-
  • Peringkat 1 = Rp 20.000.000,-
  • Peringkat 2 = Rp 15.000.000,-
  • Peringkat 3 = Rp   5.000.000,-
  • Peringkat 4 = Rp   2.000.000,-
  • Peringkat 5 = Rp   2.000.000,-
  • Peringkat 6 = Rp   2.000.000,-
  • Peringkat 7 = Rp   2.000.000,-
  • Peringkat 8 = Rp   2.000.000,-
Adapun peraturannya adalah sebagai berikut :
  1. Liga terbatas untuk 100 peserta pertama yang mendaftar.
  2. Pendaftaran ditutup paling lambat tanggal 14 November 2012 ATAU pada saat jumlah pendaftar mencapai 100 peserta.
  3. Liga dimulai  SENIN, 12 November 2012 open market MT4 MRG Platform Network (pukul 06.00 WIB).
  4. Liga berakhir JUMAT, 14 Desember 2012 close market MT4 MRG Platform Network (pukul 02.00 WIB ,15-11-12).
  5. Peserta menggunakan Real Account Asiafxonline di MT4 MRG Platform Network dengan modal sebesar 5 juta rupiah.
  6. Peserta yang gugur di tengah jalan karena equity habis tidak diperkenankan inject, namun boleh digantikan dengan account baru atas nama sama, dengan modal awal sebesar 5 juta rupiah.
  7. Account Liga tidak diperbolehkan transaksi sebelum liga dimulai, pelanggaran poin ini akan mengakibatkan diskualifikasi.
  8. Withdrawal sebelum Liga berakhir akan menyebabkan diskualifikasi.
  9. Tidak diperbolehkan (sanksi diskualifikasi) : Robot dan Trading Balance, karena inti dari liga ini adalah membuktikan kemampuan trading tradenationer :) .
  10. Peringkat liga dihitung berdasarkan equity closed market dan diumumkan klasemen 20 besar setiap pukul 12.00 WIB setiap hari selama liga berlangsung.
  11. Keputusan panitia tidak dapat diganggu gugat.
Mudah bukan?
Lalu kapan saat yang tepat untuk mendaftar?
Perhatikan ini :
Pendaftaran sebelum 1 November 2012 pukul 17.00 WIB akan mendapatkan tambahan account demo untuk LIGA PEMANASAN.
adalah liga dengan menggunakan demo account sebagai latihan tradenationer dalam menghadapi TRADING LEAGUE 2012 ini.
Hadiah untuk Liga Pemanasan adalah Rp 5.000.000,- (LIMA JUTA RUPIAH) !
Seru kan?
Baru pemanasan sudah bisa dapat hadiah sebesar entry fee Liga benerannya!
Syarat untuk mengikuti LIGA PEMANASAN yaitu :
  1. Mendaftarkan diri sebagai peserta TRADING LEAGUE 2012 dan menyelesaikan deposit sebelum tanggal 1 November 2012 pukul 17.00 WIB.
  2. LIGA PEMANASAN dimulai Senin, 22 Oktober 2012 pukul 06.00 WIB
  3. LIGA PEMANASAN berakhir Sabtu, 10 November 2012 pukul 02.00 WIB (Close market Jumat)
  4. LIGA PEMANASAN dilakukan tanpa larangan, artinya tradenationer bebas melakukan semua teknik trading yang diketahui, sebagai latihan untuk memenangkan TRADING LEAGUE 2012.
Semakin cepat tradenationer mendaftar, semakin besar peluang untuk mengumpulkan profit.
Buruan daftar sekarang juga!
Dengan memenangkan LIGA PEMANASAN ini artinya tradenationer mendapatkan hadiah senilai modal yang disetor untuk TRADING LEAGUE 2012.
Dengan kata lain, sang kampiun LIGA PEMANASAN akan mengikuti TRADING LEAGUE 2012 dengan GRATIS !!
Tunggu apa lagi? Daftar sekarang juga!
Sertakan referer nya RIZKY yah :D
Detail: Trading League 2012

Friday, 12 October 2012

Sate Maranggi cipanas (Cipanas maranggi satay). Awesome.... wow!!!

A travel to Cipanas, Cianjur, West Java was not completed if you were'nt trying this culinary.
Yeah this is my unique food "in my home" especially Cianjur Cipanas...

Hmmm yeah it originally came from Purwakarta actually, but many people has known that this food had been here and sold for a long time ago  in cianjur.
People outside said that maranggi just like something from Cianjur even though it originally is not.

This food just like satay in general.
The difference is in the seasoning and the meat which are used.
The taste is sweet, savory, and delicious. When it combined with Oncom sauce the taste become more powerful with addition of hot spicy from it.
The meets are consist of beef, fat, and cow skin. These combination are so masterpiece I think.

It is usualy served with grilled sticky rice. It is square shaped, so it is easy to be consumed.
You can sit in long table and eat with other people.
You will feel great when you see other people eat with you with the same menu together.

If you know Puncak area near to Bogor or Jakarta in west java Indonesia, You can find this culinary after you pass trough Puncak on the way to Cipanas.
The name of the food stand is Sari Asih.
It is on the right side if you come from Jakarta or Bogor.
Just try it, and you will fly to the seventh heaven. Hahahaha
The location is

Ok, want to see the picture?
Here we go

The Banner (find this sign in Pacet Cipanas, Cianjur)

The Situation

The Maranggi, Oncom sauce, and grilled sticky rice

The Maranggi and Grilled sticky rice
Maranggi Mountain!!! Wow
Complete combination. Yummy!!!

Ok guys?
Do you want it?

Dont forget to invite me ok!!
Coz I want it too...


Friday, 5 October 2012

Sari ater, A natural hotspring resort from Subang. :)

Ok guys nice to meet you again.
Now I would like to write about a tourist attraction wich is located in Subang west Java Indonesia.
It is Sari Ater Hot spring resort.
it is not too far from Tangkuban perahu mountain.
The temperature is about 16-20 degrees celcious

Sari Ater is located to the south east from Bandung. It is about 32 Km from Bandung and about 140 km from Jakarta via Cipularang.

Ouyeah why do I write about it?
Am I paid to write this?
hmmm no actualy.
I just want to share about my "Home" in Indonesia :)

ok lets begin :D
Sari Ater was located next to Tangkuban Parahu mountain.
It has cool air, tea plantation, Hot spring resource, and good view.
It was a good combination to run a resort there.

here we go

It has about 103 rooms and bungalow.
It has also sport center, recreation area, restaurant, conference an banquet facility.
Ok guys you want to see more photos?
oke oke calm down :p

oyah, there is an activity called "Tea walk".
You can walk in the Tea plantation in the morning and feel the awesome sensation of fresh air and sunrise...
here is the picture :)

 ouyeah I will add the information about the content and quality of the natural hotspring in sari Ater separetedly placed in comment window ok.

I think thats all about Sari ater today.
I will inform about it if there are more info about it in the future.